Why Are Small Videos Clips Important in Education?

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Education has come a long way since its inception. From a privilege restricted only to the elites of society to becoming a universal right granted to everyone. Education as an industry is also constantly evolving with the needs of society. Gone are the days when textbooks and libraries were the only sources of information available to students. The internet has made it possible to open doors to infinite knowledge to just about anyone with a phone or computer. This has made the education industry rethink its traditional education system.

The youth of the modern generation demand modern modes of education. This has led to the rise of ed-tech as a whole industry in itself. In ed-tech, the adoption of video-based solutions has seen a boom. With having more access to video-based content, the newer generation feels more at home with the video format or content than the written one. But are there any real benefits of the Video-based format?

The education system is limited to just teaching students and involves many other activities such as admissions, marketing, notifications, and administrative work. The following are the importance of using small video clips in education.

Importance of Using Small Video Clips in Education

Makes Learning Fun

It is no secret that most students run away from studying. This is especially true for subjects such as math and history. Students often complain of classes being too long and boring, and that theoretical lingo often goes over their heads.

Video-based learning can easily solve this problem. Small video clips with graphics and animations can make classes more interactive and fun. Having pictorial representations of equations through diagrams and real-life examples can help students grasp concepts more readily.

A Science-Backed Way of Teaching

A recent study shows the average attention span of a high school student was 10-15 minutes. Yet ironically, the average class lasts up to 30 minutes. With the attention spans of humans steadily diminishing, this modern problem requires a modern solution. Video clips are one such solution that can be implemented.

The average time of a video clip is about 6 minutes, which allows it to fit into students’ attention spans. Using a series of learning video clips to teach classes would not only be effective but backed by science. Class durations are based on outdated data, and class structures need a much-needed overhaul. Incorporating video clips in education is modern and backed by recent research.

Works Great for Special Needs Children

Technology has done a lot for education in the special needs segment. It can help people with disabilities such as blindness and deafness and kids with learning disorders. Students with psychological disorders such as ADHD and ADD have been shown to learn better through a video-based format.

Even employing strategies such as interactive video clips has shown to be much more effective than traditional teaching methodologies based on paper. Video clips, especially short ones, work even better as students with special needs often have compromised attention spans and greatly benefit from this video format.

Eco-Friendly and Affordable

With climate change and deforestation in the limelight, eco-friendly options are the new craze. Paper is one of the biggest causes of deforestation. Printing notebooks and textbooks should now be done away with. Buying books each year, for them to just become outdated in a few years, is a bad investment.

The costs often rack up, making education expensive. Digital learning through video clips is not only eco-friendly but also cheap. Institutions and teachers can make video clips for their students from the comfort of their homes for nominal costs, using their phones and computers using a video clip maker online.

Improves Learning

Students are the future of our world. They will make up the workforce of the future. The last thing we want is to be incompetent, as incompetence leads to mistakes that can have dire consequences. The onus lies in the education system to make sure students develop into competent future employees.

Therefore, it is important to leverage superior teaching methodologies to improve understanding. Video clips are a more effective way to learn as humans have been shown to remember pictures and videos more readily than text. The reason for this is that the human brain requires more engaging and contextual content. Building engaging and contextually rich content is easier in a video-based format.

Available 24×7

Stream it, download it, share it, or carry it on your computer or mobile device. Video clips made with the help of a video clip maker can be taken with you anywhere you go. They are portable and small. They do not take up any real physical space. Learning through small video clips can be done at anytime or anywhere.

It is always better to make shorter video clips as they can easily be downloaded and stored. The portability of small video clips makes it a boon for students and teachers, and the whole education system.

Easily to Make and Edit

A phone, editing software, and an internet connection. That is all that is needed to educate an entire population of millions of young minds. The need for physical infrastructure has become close to zero. With many free tutorials on platforms such as YouTube, anyone can make videos for educational purposes. Not only that, but they are also really easy to edit.

Have you made a mistake, or has the data become outdated? No problem. A simple video edit can easily solve this problem. It was impossible to make changes on a large scale on a fly with traditional paper-based sources. This causes students to learn outdated and redundant information, leading to incompetence that the system works so hard to eradicate.


The world is now changing, and so should the way our children learn. Current teaching methods are outdated and, more importantly, redundant. Books are hard to update and edit on the fly causing children to learn incorrect information. Video has shown to be a great alternative method to teach.

Smaller video clips are even more effective, with science backing up the efficacy of video-based teaching. It is affordable, readily available, portable, and uniform. The benefits of this system are numerous. The need for investment into expensive infrastructure is also not necessary. A world-class education can now be imparted from the comfort of our homes.

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